
The church app in the style of your church

We create an app specifically for your church. That is why we want it to have the look and feel of your church. Does your church not yet have an app icon and do you need inspiration? We are happy to help! Read the blog of our designer Sietze-Jan about a perfect first impression .

Do you have any questions about the design? Check out the

frequently asked questions

about Design.

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Step 1

The app icon

Every app needs an app icon. That small, usually square image on the phone screen. By using a unique, recognizable icon, members can more easily find the church app and are more likely to download it. If the church does not yet have an app icon, we are happy to help. You can still adjust the app icon at a later time. However, this is manual work and therefore we charge costs for this.

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What do you need to provide?
  • What name do you want to give your church app?
  • Upload your app icon as a .svg file
  • Your icon must be square( for example 250px by 250px )
logo kerk app ontwerp

Need a recognizable app icon?

Donkey Mobile offers the possibility to design an app icon, possibly supplemented with a complete house style manual with communication style for all your channels. Interested?

To request

Step 2 (optional)

The church logo

The church logo is slightly different from the app icon. This logo appears on the screen when you have just installed the app and open it for the first time. The app icon can be reused here and possibly supplemented with text, but other formats can also be chosen at this location.
kerkapp donkey mobile
What do you need to provide?
If you are a PKN congregation and the standard and your local council logo want to use you can skip this step. The PKN will provide us with these. We recommend using what is most recognizable for your congregation.
  • Upload your logo as a .svg file (otherwise .png )
  • Minimum 375 px width/height( for .png files )

Step 3

Choose an accent color for the app

Give the church app the look and feel that suits the church by choosing a custom color. You can choose your own or use one of the pre-selected colors that we think fit the app well:
Provide your own color
You can supply your own color as a "hex code".
Or choose a color below
Step 4

Choose an app name

The app will be on the phone of every church member, complete with app icon and name. It is therefore also important that the combination of the app name and the icon appeals to the church members and is recognizable.

Our tips:
  • Make sure the app name is shown in full (so don't choose a very long name)
  • Is the name recognizable?
  • When members see the name, do they think: 'Yes! This is from my community!'? Then they are all set.
donkey mobile logo
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