
Burning desire
bigger than threatening waste
A survey of engagement among more than 1,250 churchgoers

More than 21% of churchgoers indicate that they want to go to church more often after the corona pandemic than before. This is evident from a survey on the consequences of the corona crisis among more than 1250 churchgoers that we conducted in the past period. A large majority of 67% indicate that they want to go to church as often after the corona crisis as before, while only 11% of churchgoers indicate that they go to church less.

Corona crisis is a blow to involvement

This desire is in contrast to a clear-cutting of involvement. The message that emanates from the survey results: open the churches as soon as possible. Where 74% of the participants called their involvement in the church good or very good before the corona crisis, this has decreased to 30% during this crisis. A decrease that should make church administrators think. Despite all efforts, the reduced involvement is a consequence of the corona crisis. At the same time, we see a strong desire. A strong recommendation is therefore to think about reopening the churches and to involve the congregation in this.
Impact on pastors is great

Pastors also experience less involvement, for them the impact is even clearer. Where before the corona crisis 90% of pastors called the involvement in the congregation good or very good, during the corona crisis that is only 30%.

There are also concerns about the youth. Youth elders indicated that they called the involvement of the youth 60% good or very good before the corona crisis, during the corona crisis that is only 20%.


"We see the increased need, but we also see the decreased involvement. These results should make every church administrator think."

Henrik Wienen

Founder Donkey Mobile

Digital resources are taking flight

It is not surprising that digital resources are taking off. Where before the corona crisis 5% of people indicated that they followed a church online, this is now 46%. 95% of the participating pastors indicate that communication in the congregation has become more digital.

Church app increases engagement

Because although digital resources can never replace physical gatherings, we do see that involvement can be strengthened by the presence of digital resources. Churchgoers who use the app indicate on average that they are more involved in the church than churches that do not.
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