foto bijbel
Logo kerk app HHK

Restored Reformed Church

A place for your church on the smartphone

Since its inception in 2004, the Reformed Church (HHK) has firmly established itself in the Dutch Protestant tradition. In this time of constant change and growth, the importance of effective communication and community connection is of great importance. Donkey Mobile is proud to collaborate with several Reformed Churches, who have discovered the power of our church app.

For example, the HHK in Stolwijk. They see communication improving in three ways.

  1. People are more quickly informed about what is happening in the community and among community members, which means that help can be provided more quickly if necessary.
  2. In addition, digital collecting is an indispensable addition, a lot is given via the app outside of the services.
  3. The app forms a bridge to a younger generation.
Icoon communiceren


Icoon collecteren kerk app


Icoon agenda kerk app HHK


Icoon community kerk app HHK

Municipal guide

Een witte achtergrond met een paar lijnen eropHome

"Wij krijgen hele positieve reacties uit de gemeente. Een aanwinst die samenbindt."

Cor van der Spek
App manager

GerGem Moerkapelle

Telefoon met kerk app hhk

Uw communicatie, geen ruis

With Donkey Mobile you do not get the Donkey Mobile app but your own app under the name of your municipality in the App Store. The big advantage? As a municipality or church council, you moderate the content yourself. This way you get the quality of mobile communication but not the noise of social media. The Restored Reformed Churches on our platform appreciate this.

Man wijst naar tekst grafische weergave
Live webinar and demonstration

Every first Monday of the month we give a digital demonstration. There is also plenty of opportunity for participants to ask questions.

Do you want the best mobile church imaginable?

Are you also convinced that your Reformed Church deserves the best spot on the most used platform?

Discover for yourself what the impact of your own Donkey Mobile app can mean for your church.

Start now

From €80

per month

(depending on your membership number)

✓ All functionalities
✓ Free updates and support
✓ Annuallycancellable

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