survey results

The church and mobile
a research

This page shows the results of a 2019 survey. For the results of the 2021 survey, see here.

Donkey Mobile wants to help churches to be present on the smartphone. But how big is the impact of mobile in the church? To find out, we launched a survey at the beginning of this year and asked churchgoers to respond to a number of statements and questions regarding the church, an app and the mobile phone. Today we present a number of initial conclusions that we would like to share with you. When reading the preliminary results, it is good to keep the following points in mind. It has been completed by approximately 650 people so far and has only been distributed digitally. We hope to collect more data and if you have not yet completed the questionnaire, you can do so via this page doing.

46% of churchgoers use their cell phones during church services

The mobile phone has entered the church and almost half of the churchgoers participate in it. It is striking that 80% of the people who indicate that they use their mobile phone during the church service indicate that they do so because they want to read the Bible on their phone or via an app. 25% of the people who use their device in church indicate that they do so for non-church related matters.

iPhone of Android?

It is THE question for people who are into mobile phones. You have total Android fans and total iPhone fans, but which one is better? We can't answer that question, but we did ask churchgoers what kind of mobile phone they have. And the winner with 50% is: Android. Followed by - of course - the iPhone with 46%. Remarkable because in the whole of the Netherlands the distribution is 69% (Android) and 30% (iPhone). Are churchgoers bigger Apple fans?

Only 1% of churchgoers visit church website daily

For us it was interesting to measure how often people visit their church website. And how effective it is as a communication channel. Fascinating result: only 2 of the more than 400 respondents indicate that they visit their church website daily. In the graph that is 1%, 30% of people visit their church website weekly, 45% monthly and 24% indicate that they never visit their church website.
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